
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Energy systems in sport and yoga

 Energy systems: in sport and yoga

Energy systems
Energy systems in sport and yoga

Energy systems in sport and yoga Physical activity of any kind are conditional on the amount of energy of the organism. That is, to be able to carry out any physical effort: aerobic or anaerobic activity, the body must release energy to carry out this work

In the world of sports, there is much talk about energy systems, which are nothing more than the generic name of the metabolic pathways through which the body obtains energy to perform the exercise.

More clearly, energy systems are the ways that the body has to supply ATP to the muscles. As we say, in all physical efforts it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of energy and this is determined by the production of ATP, adenosine triphosphate.

What is ATP?

ATP is the main energy molecule in our body. It receives that name because it is the abbreviation of Adenosine Triphosphate or Adenosine Triphosphate. This molecule is made up of the nucleus (adenosine) and three phosphate atoms. All living organisms use this substrate as their primary energy source.

ATP is broken down through a hydrolysis process into an ADP (Adenosine bisphosphate) molecule and a phosphate atom. In the process, which requires water, ADP can be converted back to ATP through phosphorylation, the gain of a phosphate. This mechanism is known as the ATP / ADP cycle, and it requires energy.

The human body is constantly recycling ATP. It is one of the most intense metabolic functions. When a physical activity of any type is carried out, depending on the intensity, it will require a greater or lesser pace to avoid the delay in the energy supply. The greater the need, the intensity becomes more noticeable, and that is where physical condition plays an important role because if you are not in good physical condition, your performance will not be as high.

ATP and energy systems

As we say, the body needs the energy to perform physical work, for any activity: sitting, walking, doing intense work. Energy comes in the form of ATP, therefore, the speed with which the body can make use of ATP is determined by the energy systems to produce this molecule.

Muscles, which are the structures in which ATP is produced, have five molecules from which to obtain energy: ATP, creatine phosphate, glycogen, fats, and proteins. Depending on the way through which energy is obtained, we can speak of different energy systems.

We speak of the phosphagen system, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic or oxidative systems, which are determined by the molecules that provide this necessary energy and by the duration of physical activity and intensity.

Types of energy systems

There are three energy systems in sport, all of them overlap in response to the energy demands of the athlete. The phosphagen system: ATP and phosphocreatine, is only capable of supplying energy for a few seconds. The relay is marked by anaerobic metabolism, through anaerobic glycolysis, which finds its maximum exposure after two minutes. Finally, the third energy system is aerobic, which lasts longer.

Phosphagens system

This system is also called the lactic anaerobic system. Obtaining energy depends on the ATP and phosphocreatine reserves present in the muscle. It is the fastest formula for obtaining energy and is the one used for explosive movements in which there is no time to convert other fuels into ATP.

This way of obtaining energy does not generate an accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which means that it does not lead to the appearance of annoying "stiffness". However, it is only valid for maximum intensity efforts for short periods, no more than 10 seconds. It offers a maximum energy supply.

The phosphagen system is the usual energy route for power sports, with an explosive nature, that is, those that involve short distances and times: weightlifting, athletic speed events, CrossFit, and of course many other sports that, sometimes, require this type of explosive and intense efforts.

Anaerobic glycolysis

Anaerobic glycolysis is the pathway that replaces the phosphagen system. It is the main energy source in high-intensity sports endeavors that are still short in duration but go beyond a few seconds. e ste energy system appears when reserves become depleted ATP and phosphocreatine and muscle must re-synthesize ATP from glucose in a process called Glycolysis.

Anaerobic glycolysis provides enough energy to sustain high-intensity efforts for no more than one minute. The limit of this energy pathway is that, as a final result, lactic acid is formed in the body, and acidosis limits the ability to exercise, causing muscle fatigue. The accumulation of lactic acid and its subsequent crystallization is what are known as shoelaces.

Athletes must adapt to these energy production mechanisms and develop tolerance to molecules such as lactic acid. This is achieved by planning your workouts well and regulating the level of physical exercise.

The aerobic or oxidative system

After ATP, phosphocreatine, and glucose, which are obtained primarily from glycogen, the body has to make use of the oxidative system, that is, the muscles use the oxygen present in carbohydrates and fats as fuel. If carbohydrate and fat stores are depleted, proteins also offer energy, but to a lesser degree.

This is the slowest way to get ATP, but the energy that is generated can be used over a long period. So much so that aerobic efforts are those in which a person keeps practicing sports or doing physical activity for a long time and at a lower intensity.

The aerobic system is the one that starts up when practicing endurance sports: cross-country athletics events, triathlon, long-distance swimming, cycling, and of course team or individual sports of long duration and not subjected to intense efforts, but you prolong in time.

For athletes in these disciplines, the goal is to get enough oxygen to the muscles to facilitate physical effort. With the aerobic or oxidative system, most of the training or competition time is enhanced work below the maximum oxygenation capacity, and lactic acid is not generated.

Both in the phosphagen system and anaerobic glycolysis are systems that function without oxygen, anaerobic; while the oxidative system requires the constant input of oxygen. These three energy sources remain active simultaneously at all times, what happens is that depending on the type of activity, its duration, and intensity, one or the other predominates.

All athletes need to develop an optimal functioning of energy systems in sport. Aerobic resistance is the basis on which any other physical work is based, but explosiveness is also very necessary, hence HIIT-type exercises (of high intensity and short duration) are equally interesting to help improve sports capabilities and exercise. performance.
